CHIP Reverse Mortgage
CHIP Reverse Mortgage
Would you like a Mortgage with no payments? A CHIP Reverse Mortgage is a fantastic option for clients aged 55 and older . This unique financial tool offers many benefits that no other product can offer. With the CHIP Reverse Mortgage, you are able to access up to 55%* of the equity in your home, tax-free. The money you receive can be used in a variety of different ways, including:
- Eliminating debt repayments
- Increasing your monthly cash flow
- Helping a child or grandchild
- Early inheritance
- Unexpected health care costs
- Home repairs and improvements
- A dream vacation
And more!
By accessing the equity in your home, you are able to accommodate any financial obstacles and goals you have, without having to move or sell your home.
One question I often receive is: How does a reverse mortgage work? A reverse mortgage is a loan secured against the value of your home. However, unlike a traditional Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) or a second mortgage, you are not required to make monthly mortgage payments for as long as you live in your home. And, you will maintain ownership and control of your home.

Other Services
As well as the standard mortgage products that I offer I also offer many other services such as :
- Private Financing
- Construction Financing
- Commercial Financing
- Line of Credit